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Join Us May 4th, 2020 for the release of "The Water Keeper"

Charles Martin
Join Us May 4th, 2020 for the release of "The Water Keeper"

This year marks the 20th year of my career.  In view of this, we’re doing something a little different with the release of my 14th novel, The Water Keeper. 

On May 4th, (here in Jacksonville) I’m taking a look back across 20 years of story as seen through the eyes of my characters, what they taught me and what they’re teaching me still. And if I can pull it off, I’ll weave in some insight into my process and what was going on with Christy and me and the boys as these stories bubbled up.  As best I'm able, this will be a look through the rear-view with some insight into what’s staring at me through my windshield.  Should be fun. Think helicopter ride with roller coaster and zip line thrown in.

If you’re anywhere near Jacksonville, JOIN US MAY 4TH.  We’ve rented a venue in the hope that you all will fill it – which is always risky.  20 years ago, I’d show up for a signing and sit for two hours while narry a soul stopped at the table.  One in particular stands out at a B&N in Atlanta on Peachtree.  Another at a Sam's in Orlando.  But that’s another story.  

(NOTE: This is a ticketed event.  BUY TICKETS HERE. If you have questions, please CONTACT DESIREE AT SAN MARCO BOOKS.)

If you can’t make it...

But want a signed copy of The Water Keeper, Desiree will ship you a signed copy on release day. Just CALL HER TO PLACE A SIGNED BOOK ORDER. She’ll ship most anywhere.  

Join us.  May 4th. If you need hotel recommendations, call Desiree. There are several near the venue with great places to eat. San Marco is my childhood home. If you’ve read River Road, this venue sits in the heart of it.

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